Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A quick update

Things are coming along nicely at Sexposé headquarters.

We're finalizing our layout templates, but still looking for a printer. We know we're keeping you waiting with bated breath for our stories to be posted online, but we just want to make sure they're prefect.

Look out for Aileen's exploration of pornography as education and Veronica's profile on Claire Brosseau and her year without men. Vanessa explored multicultural sex-ed and Vicki took a close look at prophylactics in the lesbian community.

Right now, Veronica and Vanessa have something for the boys, with stories on manscaping and locker-room talk. Aileen asks how can the married couple spice up their sex life, while Vicki explores online dating for the divorcee.

Stay tuned for more!

When abstinence is the right decision

Reading Claire's blog, I was struck by the similarities between me and her.

"I'm boy-crazy too!"

"I've made questionable decisions!"

I'll run into a friend and they'll ask me, 'how's it goin' with that guy?'

And more often than not, I reply, 'which one? Oh, that was like... three or four dudes ago. Get with the program.'